Saturday, December 26, 2009
Forbidden doughnut, ummmmmmmmmmm
On our way home from Eugene, we stopped in Portland at the world famous Voodoo Doughnuts and picked up two dozen for our families. Voodoo Doughnuts are famous for their doughnuts that have eclectic (to say the least) toppings and flavors. They all have special names, but I don't know what they are, so all the pastry purists out there will have to excuse my crude descriptions.
They have the pentagram doughnut because it's made out of devil's food cake mix.
The Fruit Loops doughnut that isn't as good as I thought it would be, probably because by the time I tried it, the Fruit Loops were a little soggy.
The marshmallow doughnuts that have marshmallow cream, topped by grape, strawberry or pineapple drink mix.
They even have a maple bar with bacon on top that I've heard is bangarang. Probably their most famous doughnut though is a voodoo doll doughnut that has raspberry jelly in the middle for blood. We had the doughnut artistes put extra jelly in a voodoo doll so that it would look pregnant, and then they wrote "It's a girl"...Because Marci is...And it's a girl
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
In honor of the chairman
I'll post a video of the phenomenon when I get it on film.
Part II: I posted this earlier today, and I was planning on posting a video of Rocky performing animal sounds when I got home. Instead of the confused cat and cow sounds, I got Rocky's adaptation of "If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands". She came up with the sound effects all on her own, and so then I changed the wording to go along with her interpretation.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Did you here the one about the little girl?
How do you get an adorable little girl to look like one of the most vile, despised despots of all time?
Give up?
You just add a bunch of snot!!!
This is an older picture from a few months ago, but I just wanted to point out that this is not the first time, nay not even the second time that Rocky has had an uncanny resemblance to a certain German führer. You can see the other two times on Marci's blog here and here.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
So long sweet summer...
I'm sure that everyone else thought that summer ended a long time ago, but our classes at the U of O just started on Tuesday. So, we bid a fond farewell to a wicked-awesome summer by making a Spanish dinner starring pretty much the best summer food ever: Gazpacho. Gazpacho is a tomato-based soup that you eat cold; kind of like V8, but much better. We made it from a family recipe that our friend Pilar gave us when we stayed with her this summer in Barcelona. I know that this isn't a cooking blog, but gazpacho is so good (and healthy) that I would recommend it to everybody, so here's the recipe; first in Catalan (because it just sounds and looks cool), and then in English with some additional notes.
250 Grs. cogombres
100 Grs. pebrots verds
1 KG tomaquets
una ceba
2 Grans d'all
una tassa d'oli
1/2 tassa vinagre
una pastilla avecrem
1 litre i 1/2 d'aigua
es passa tot pel pimer i es serveix amb davets de tomaquet, pebrot, ceba, pa fregit, etc.
250 grams cucumber
100 grams green peppers
1 kilogram tomatoes
one onion
two cloves of garlic
one cup of olive oil
half cup of vinegar
one bouillon cube
1 and 1/2 liters of water
salt to taste
Chop everything up in a food processor (chop it very finely, but don't puree it), and serve chilled with garnishes of diced onions, peppers, tomatoes and croutons.
Here's some additional things that I learned when I made it:
-Don't worry too much about the metric measurements, you don't have to be very precise, just make sure the ratios of vegetables are similar to the recipe.
-I don't know if metric cups are a different size, but I think I put in way too much oil. You could probably put in a half cup of oil and it would be perfect. I would also add a little more vinegar than what it calls for.
-After making this recipe (it makes a ton and freezes well), you should allow the flavors to blend at least overnight.
I know it's not the ideal time for a refreshing, cold soup, but you'll have to let me know if you try out the gazpacho.
P.S. when you're just not feeling that good, there's nothing better than curling up with a good book and your snake.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Fourth anniversary
If you go to the actual Youtube site for this video, it gives a little more explanation to the movie.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
It's a savvy kind of a feeling, a suavey kind of feeling
With that said, this series of bewhiskered bedizenment is from when I shaved in preparation for the marathon.
Here's the before picture:
I call this first style "the king's adviser" for obvious reasons.
This one is "the Mario". That's a spicy meataball!!!
This next look is called "good cop, bad cop". I'll let you decide which one this is.
And finally, because I did this all to become more streamlined for the race, I decided I had to pay homage to the patron saint of Eugene, Steve Prefontaine.
Rugged, self-assured, adult. These are the words that describe a man that wears a mustache.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Rocky at the playground
Our apartment complex has a little playground in front of every building, and then a bigger one in the middle of all them all. The one-two combination of really nice weather and Rocky's dislike of being stuck in our small apartment means that we've been spending a lot of time at the various playgrounds. This first set of pictures is from a series that I like to call "Rocky-in-the-swing-looking-very-melancholic-but-really-she's-just-curious-because-she-loves-to-watch-the-other-kids-at-the-playground". They're from my blue period.
Rocky has not quite mastered walking on her own, but she's already moved on to bigger and better things. We tried to get her to at least use a harness and ropes, but she feels that they hamper her style too much.
If we could only teach her how to yodel while doing this, she would look exactly like that game on the Price is Right.
We're obviously still working with Rocky on pumping her legs at the right time on the swing.
On an unrelated/closing note, we only have one more week until the marathon (and I only have six days left before venturing into the scary, uncharted waters known as my thirties). This is officially my last audition call for any song suggestions for my race playlist (as well as any ideas for things that I have to do before I turn 30). I'm looking for nice, peppy songs that will put a spring in my step down the final stretch, but I won't rule out any suggestions, especially not if they're for Burt Bacharach. So let me know if you have any epiphanies.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Spring in Oregon, a.k.a, the early runner gets to see the early bird get the early worm
Oh, and my brother-in-law Matt definitely gets an honorable mention for making our runs a success. A long time ago, he gave us the audio book of World War Z, and I've been listening to it a little bit at a time as we run, and I finished it the day of the 16 miler.
I rowed with the UO Crew team in the fall, and they had their home regatta at the quaint little lake where we practiced, so we took a trip out to Dexter Lake to cheer the team on. This picture is actually of the women's crew team.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Top o' the mornin to ya!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Kazoo playing superhero elephants with comb-overs?
Eat your heart out Wolfgang.
E. I just read on one of the forums on that in Mexico they call comb-overs Robin Hoods. As in robbing the rich to give to the poor.
F. Marci is at the temple today with the Young Women, so it's just me and Rachmaninoff hanging out. I'm really good at taking care of babies as can be seen in the pictures. Notice that the bib that is supposed to protect the said baby's clothes has on its own accord become a superhero's cape. Holy cute baby batman!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
And in this corner...
Friday, January 23, 2009
Baby steps
The reason I have never been able to consistently write in a journal for longer than a month is because I inevitably have a lapse in writing, and then the need to "get caught up" looms over me in the back of my head, until my journal gets put away again for another few years. I'm telling you this to let you know that although this looks like a real post, it's really a just a list of a few random things to get me back in the swing of things. A way of getting back into that ol' proverbial saddle you could say.
1. The new classroom that I'm teaching in this semester also has a fireplace in it, except that this one isn't boarded up! It has been quite chilly lately, so I've encouraged my students to bring a log so that we can study Spanish by firelight. So far no one has taken me up on the offer. Maybe we'll roast s'mores on the last day of class.
2. I was just thinking the other day that It'll be sad when Rocky's teeth come in. Without teeth to get in the way, Rocky is able to do this cute grin that's really flat and wide and makes her cheeks appear even chubbier than they are (which are very chubby). The morning after I voiced this thought out loud, Rocky's first nubbin of a tooth emerged. I don' t know if me saying it out loud had anything to do with it, but just in case, I have to say that I'm going to be really sad when Rocky is potty-trained. I said, I'm going to be really sad when Rocky is potty-trained.
3. This video is from one of my studly students from last semester. He wrote this song based off of the things that we learned in the first chapter of 101.
4. This picture is of Rocky and Ginny hanging out during the Christmas break. I just wanted to point out that Rocky, who has a whopping three weeks worth of real world experience more than Ginny, is always trying her best to impart the knowledge and wisdom that she has skimmed from life. For example, it's evident here that Rocky is instructing Ginny in the finer art of flipping someone off.